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French President Hollande’s speech : Act Up-Paris’s reaction
Monday 23 July 2012
All the versions of this article: [English] [français]
Act Up-Paris takes note of President François Hollande commitments on following issues :
– increasing research for a vaccine and increasing prevention policies
– defending vulnerable population (although we regret that Hollande did not name them : sex workers, drug users, MSM, etc)
– doubling the number of people under treatments
– using a financial tax to increase the funding of the gobal fight against Aids (yet we remind that France committed in 2005 for universal access to treatments for 2010 and that this tax must be additionnal : traditionnal funding must increase too)
We do regret the lack of consistent commitments on following issues :
– defending generic drugs to drop the treatments’ price. Yet France keeps supporting Trade agreements that thrreaten generics.
And even if we support President Hollande when he supports and defends vulnrables populations we deeply regret he has not yet committed his governements to fight against state discriminations that PLWHA face in France, particurlary the interdiction of embaulming people with HIV, or the medical fees that stigmatisze those who are living with serious diseases.
>> Act Up-Paris organizes a press conference today at 4 PM (Press Corner, in Media Center) to assess three months of the government nominated by President Hollande and to tell the disapointing meeting we finally could have last tuesday with French Minister of health Marisol Touraine.