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Access to generics :

Will Fillon, Baroin, Lellouche, Juppé, Raincourt, Leonetti, Bertrand and Berra continue to betray a Presidential promise ?

Last July, 580 000 people died of AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria

Tuesday 9 August 2011

All the versions of this article: [English] [français]

The government must take action to support the access to generics without delay and call to order the European Commission on its mandate.

Copy = Life

After many meetings, many documents, e-mails, letters and press releases sent by Act Up-Paris, and after a decision made by President Nicolas Sarkozy on April 7th to organize an ’inter-ministerial’ meeting to discuss the issue of the future of access to generic medicines, and as the current negotiations in Brussels threaten the access to the cheap copies of patented drugs, we yet again send letters to the various ministries and to the Prime Minister demanding that they organize as soon as possible a meeting in France on this issue, and for France to call to order the European Commission on its mandate.

Last July, 580 000 people died of AIDS, Tuberculosis and malaria.

F. Fillon (Prime Minister), F. Baroin (Minister of Economics and Finances), P. Lellouche (Minister of Foreign Exchange), A. Juppé (Minister of Foreign Affairs), H. de Raincourt (Minister of Cooperation), J. Leonetti (Minister of European Affairs), X. Bertrand (Minister of Labour and Health) and N. Berra (Minister of Health) must take action to support the access to generics drugs without delay!

Silence = Death

The 6 letters are downloadable :

(1) Letter to M. Alain JUPPÉ - Minister of Foreign Affairs (and M. Henri de RAINCOURT - Minister of Cooperation) - copied to the AIDS Ambassador : M. Patrice DEBRÉ, et the advisers of the Minister : M. Hervé LADSOUS, M. Jérôme BRESSON, M. Alex CRUAU, Mme Christine GAVINI-CHEVET, M. Gustavo GONSALES-CANALI, M. Frédéric GOYET, M. Nicolas DE LABRUSSE, M. Cyrille PIERRE

(2) Letter to M. François BAROIN - Minister of Economics and Finances - And copied to his advisers : M. Didier BANQUY, M. Christophe PACOHIL, M. Stéphane JUVIGNY, M. Christophe BONNARD, Mme Agnès PRIVAT de FRESSENEL, M. Frederick JESKE-SCHÖNHOVEN, Mme Elodie VANDENHENDE

(3) Letter to M. François FILLON - Premier Minister - and copied to his advisers: M. Jean-Paul FAUGÈRE, Mme Marie-Anne BARBAT-LAYANI, M. Gilles BRIATTA, M. Corso BAVAGNOLI, M. Charles FRIES

(4) Letter to M. Jean LEONETTI - Minister of European Affairs and copied to his advisers M. Christophe PARISOT, M. Yves GOUNIN, M. Samuel BAROUKH

(5) Letter to M. Pierre LELLOUCHE - Minister of Foreign Exchange - and copied to his advisers : M. Thomas COURBE, M. Hugues ANSELIN

(6) Letter to M. Xavier BERTRAND - Minister of Labour and Health and copied to Mme Nora BERRA and copied to their advisers: M. François-Xavier SELLERET, M. Julien EMMANUELLI, M. Matthieu GRESSIER, Mme Agnès LECLERC, Mme Brigitte ARTHUR, Mme Géraldine BONNIN